
Nintendo emulation = NESticle! April 2, 1997 -- the day that NESticle arrived.
The emulation state of the NES was pitiful in comparison to what NESticle
offers. interNES v0.6, circulating the Internet piracy scene was NOTHING
compared to NESticle. Everything has sucked in comparison to NESticle.
What took others months to do, took NESticle two weeks. Welcome to the new
generation of NES emulation!

Direct-X Famicom Emulator (Windows '95/Direct-X)
- Author: "Kami"
- Download: DXFCEMU.ZIP
- File Size: 64,067 bytes
- Release Date:
- Support:
Kami's Direct-X NES Emulator has not been updated for quite a time. Similar
to PasoFami, PRG/CHR format is used, but unfortunately, compatibility is
quite low.

Famicom v0.2 English (Windows 3.1)
- Author: Seil (Translated by SoM2, Zofo, and VmprHntrD)
- Download: FAMI2E.ZIP
- File Size: 50,036
- Release Date: February 12, 1997 (English version)
- Support:
- File Converter: FAMCONV.ZIP (PRG/CHR -> FAM converter v0.3)
Famicom is a great NES emulator for two reasons: speed and sound! Famicom
uses real NES sound as opposed to interNES's terrible FM Synthesis. The
price tag on Famicom is also non-existant, which places this with NESA for
popular freeware emulators. Unfortunately, a file format (.FAM) exclusive
to Famicom is required which will inconvenience most people including myself.

interNES v0.6 (Linux/Unix/X)
- Author: Marat Fayzullan
- Release Date: Unknown
- Support:
interNES is Marat's most popular emulator yet! interNES is available only
in compiled distributions for FreeBSD, Linux (ELF and AOUT), Solaris, and OSF1.
Since there are so many different distributions available, Archaic Ruins does
not have the Unix versions available. See the interNES homepage for the
unlisted versions.

interNES v0.6.1 (MacOS)
- Author: John Stiles
- Download: INES_SIT.HQX
- File Size: 411,629 bytes
- Registration: $15
- Release Date: Circa March 1997
- Support:
interNES for the Macintosh, although without the "Plus" tag, has been compiled
using MrC, and has the incredible speed that John Stiles's emulators are now
known for!

interNES v0.5 (Windows 95)
- Author: Marat Fayzullan
- Download: INESWIN.ZIP
- File Size: 112,763 bytes
- Registration: $35
- Release Date: September 9, 1996
- Support:
The last shareware release of interNES for Marat Fayzullan to ever be
available has much increased the circulation of Internet piracy of his current
interNES v0.6r (Distributed as interNES v0.6n - Neutered). This version is
many times slower than interNES v0.6r Windows (About 150%+ slower), and is
much outdated.

LandyNES v0.1 (Prerelease "Stupid" version) (MS-DOS)
- Author: Alex Krasivsky
- Download: DC-NES.ZIP
- File Size: 196,640 bytes
- Registration: Unknown
- Release Date: September 8, 1996
- Support:
The "stupid" version of LandyNES was released six months ago, and the actual
release of LandyNES is yet to be released. Playing only simple games up to
mapper 1 and using the PRG/CHR format (In ROM/VID extensions), LandyNES
"Stupid" version is quite useless.
NES Button | IBM Key |
B | Q |
A | W |
Select | TAB |
Start | CapsLock |

NESA v0.17 (MS-DOS)
- Author: Paul Robson
- Download: NESA.ZIP
- File Size: 13,370 bytes
- Release Date: October 11, 1996
- Support:
NESA is an incredibly small emulator that was coded in pure Assembly language.
A series of emulators that have similar characteristics have been released
like A26 and many of the other emulators on
Paul's support web page. Full source is also available on the
Nintendo Source Code page.

NESticle v0.21 (MS-DOS / Win95/DX)
- Author: Bloodlust Software
- Download: NESTC021.ZIP
- File Size: 385,595 bytes
- Release Date: April 4, 1997
- Support:
NESticle = the ultimate in NES emulation. Download it. I cannot even begin
to explain it. Its like a real NES. It has real NES sound. Its the real

PasoFami v2.6b, v2.8a, v1.1a DX (Windows 3.1/95/Direct-X)
- Author: Nobuaki Andou
- Download: PASOV26B.ZIP (v2.6b),
PASOV28A.ZIP (v2.8a)
- Download: PADXV11A.LZH (DX v1.1a)
- File Size: 306,303 bytes, 406,005 bytes, 425,605 bytes
- Release Date: July 15, 1996, October 1, 1996, Circa February 20, 1997
- Registration: Exact Price Unknown
- Support:
Hack: UCF-XNES.ZIP (Registration Codes for v2.6b)
Hack Support: UCON141.ZIP (IPS Patcher)
WWW: http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA005758/
Nobuaki's Nintendo emulator series is similar to his Super Nintendo Emulator
series (Super PasoFami) in that they are all quite
buggy and have a strange compatibility list. PasoFami v2.6b and v2.8a have
very little between them, except that v2.8a cannot be cracked, while v2.6b can
and has. The Direct-X version is a very simplified version that has a ROM Limit,
but multitasks quite well.

- Author: Jeremy Chadwick (Y0SHi) and Mike Perry (Riff)
- File Size: N/A
- Registration: Unknown
- Release Date: Unknown
- Support:
qNES promises to be the FASTEST Freeware NES emulator in existance! Written
in pure ASM and running under DOS32, this is one hot item to look out for!

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