Technical Information
Asgard's GameBoy Assembler v1.2
Asgard has released their version of the GameBoy assembler for others to code their own intros and trainers!

Asgard's GameBoy Developer ID List!
This is the list of Game Developer IDs that can be used with GB Info 1.0!

Advanced GameBoy IDE 0.66
MegaMan_X releases his GameBoy assembler IDE environment for the PC!

Diz 1.1
HeroZero from OldSkool releases his newest version of his GameBoy Disassembler!

GameBoy/GameGear DOS for SWC DX
A graphical dos for the Super WildCard DX for loading, copying both GameBoy and GameGear!
Released by Anthrox on 04/20/95.

GameBoy Dominator V1.20
GameBoy Dominator is a handy little GB patcher full of cheats for over 70 games! Released by Vandals!

GameBoy Tile Editor v0.1
Matt Currie releases his GameBoy Tile Editor. Features Graphic editting, conversion to source code and includes some sample source!

GBSUM Version 1.2
GBSum calculates and verifies the checksum of your GameBoy ROM images. C Source code is included! Its core library is resuable and written with a C Style.

GBTool 1.2
Masters of Magic releases a new version of GBTool. Supports EPROM dumps, fixes checksums, fixes complements and other kewl features!

GB Strip Version 1.5
Using your GameBoy ROM images that have been backed up with the SmartCard copier are incompatible with Virtual GameBoy. Use this utility to make the games compatible. C Source is included.
Now GBStrip has been updated with a gameboy core library of routines, it now detects headers and invalid images!

HeroZero's PCX Converter!
HeroZero releases his PCX to GB Tile convertor. Another great release from OldSkool!

Masters of Magic GameBoy Disassembler 1.0
Masters of Magic released their 1.0 version of the GameBoy Disassembler!

Masters of Magic GameBoy Tool 1.0
Masters of Magic has released their Gameboy Tool 1.0.

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