65816 Disassembler!
John Corey wrote this little portable 65816 disassember! Comes with full source code! Supports HiROM disassembly, flexible starting address, rep/sep following and more!

Action Replay -> Gold Finger Code 1.0 Beta!
Convert Action Replay Codes to Gold Finger Codes!

AniSNES allows you to convert Deluxe Paint Animation Studio animations to a SNES animation format!

Bin2DCB v1.0
Converts a binary file into a 65816 compatible source include file. Works with most public 65816 compilers (tested with TRASM assembler).

C Source is included.

CTool v1.63
Another popular console utility with header/rom modification, SWC DX Send support (Game/Save Ram), IPS patching, etc...

The guys at ID Software used these routines to compile and develop Castle Wolfenstien on a Apple 2 GS.

FIG -> Boxer Convertor!
A small utility that converts FIG images to Boxer Format (HURL!)

Game Doctor 6 Send Util 3.0
Game Doctor 6.0 Send Util Version 3.0.

GIF 2 SNES Tile Convertor
Convert your GIFS to tile formats. Comes with an optimizer.

GIF 2 Sprite
Convert your GIFS into sprite format. Based on Gif 2 SNES Tile Convertor.

IPS Patcher 1.2!
Generic IPS Patcher from Ceptic!

Kill Them 3.1
Elitendo released Kill Them 3.1, which is a EXTERMLY good utility that does NTSC/PAL/SLOW ROM fixes!

Multi Convertors Tool Version 7.1
Imagine UCON and VGS combined into one utility and this is what you get. Supports sending, format conversions, LZH extractions, IPS/BSL patching and ton of other features!

Parallel Playground
Daniel Hansson wrote this utility to allow you to play around with your parallel port on your Super Magicom. It should work with newer version of the Magicom line.

Thanks for RedBox for sending us this utility!

PCX 2 Super Optimized Tile
Convert your PCX to SNES Tile Format, comes with Optimizer.

PSY-Q SNES Bios Emulator
Uxorious releases his PSY-Q Bios Emulator so you can use their assembler with backup units!

Quick Send 1.3 Shell!
Quick Send 1.3 is a shell for managing your backups and sending!

Romulator Send Util! Version 1.1
Here is some old util early Damaged Cybernetics wrote for the Romualtor (1994!). It was a PC ISA card, that supported adapters for both Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Comes with C Source Code (btw it might be some scary source code =)

Pascal Source code to an old Super Nintendo Assembler!

SF Conv 1.0
Lord Sauron releases his Game Doctor -> SWC convertor! It converts SF* ftp://ftp.futureone.com/users/damftp/consoles/SNES/tools that UCON and SNESTool doesn't!

Sprite XX
SpriteXX is another PCX -> Sprite converter package. It comes with a util that allows you to convert your sprites so they can be DMAed to VRAM.

Smile Writer!
Smile releases their little writer for the Super Nintendo! Strange little utility I have to say =)

SNES Tool Version 1.2
SNES Tool is one of the few tools that convert GD3 formats correct! Nice interface (for those who are command line impaired) and packed full of features for any serious console user!

SPC700 Disassembler!
Jeremy Gordon wrote this little SPC700 Disassembler! It includes C Source code!

SPC Explorer'95!
Sober releases his little SPC700 pack packed with utilites and source code!

Super Nintendo BRR Filter for Cool'95!
Uxorious, a good friend of ours, wrote this cool little filter that works with Cool'95 to create and playback Super Nintendo BRR samples!

Super Nintendo Format
PC do not always format your disks for your Super WildCard for the fastest possible speed! This utility from Edge! will set your floppy drive up correct for fastest loading times!

Tasm 700
Minus took Table Assembler and built a SPC 700 assembler!

TRaCER Version 1.33
Yoshi releases his 65816 disassembler! It fixes problems that DSFX and DISASM were having! Now no longer shareware, free to all!

Now supports both SNES and NES ROM disassemblings.

UCON v1.41
Popular all-purpose console utility. It features SRAM/PAL deprotections, header conversions, IPS support, etc... It works for both Super Nintendo and Sega images.

UCON v1.41 C Source Code
Source code to the popular console utility. It's a bit ugly, but it has details on Slow Rom Patching, Pal/SRAM deprotection schemes, etc...

VGS 1/25/96!
VGS - A Super WildCard backup send utility from Front Far East!
Released 1/25/96!

This little ROM image will allow you to view PCX ftp://ftp.futureone.com/users/damftp/consoles/SNES/tools on your Super WildCard.

WildLoad'95 Version 1.0!
Uxorious of OldSkool releases his WildLoad'95 for Windows'95! It supports file transfers of Magicom, WildCard and Profighter X!

X816 Assembler Version 1.11!!
Minus has released an updated version of his FREE Super Nintendo Assembler for the PC Platform!

As of Version 1.11, several important fixes are now in place that will please many SNES coders out there! Such as 4 new instructions, fixed instructions, directives and modifiers.

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