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Asgard's GameBoy Assembler
-------------------------------------------- .:../ \/"\( \:" \/ \/ \/" __\:(" \( \/ ):. ..:/ \ \ || | \ \ " /_| |:\ /..: :./ / / \ |/ | / / \ ___/\ |_/__/\.:. :/__/__/___/______/__/___/_____/\_______/.:. +----[ BrEaKs AgAin Da LiMiTs ]---(__/(My!)+ "It's not a Dream ! You need an Assembler for GB, no problemo! Now, coders can code intros on diz fabulous handheld console. Why I supply it? B'coz I'll retire myself of da scene in few months (Coz: code a game), and it's not normal to have no real-concurrence on selectable GB trainers...!!"

Non-Elite translation: "Asgard's assembler allows programmers to code their own homebrewn ROMs and trainers!"

Gameboy Disassembler Gameboy Disassembler is a Disassembler for Gameboy ROMs!
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