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Save RAM Editors

Final Fantasy Adventure Editor
Now that a more complete and accurate save game editor is available for Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, it seems that mine is obsolete (grin). This editor is quite complete and versatile in what you can change (Gold / Location / MP) etc. For any quester, this is a necessary tool to overcome emulation errors and just mess around too!
Metroid 2 Save Game Editor
DarkMonk of Console Consortium has created a Metroid 2 save game editor that allows adding all energy tanks, 250,000+ missles, all items, and your choice of weapon.
Rolan 2 Save Game Editor
DarkMonk of Console Consortium has created a Rolan 2 save game editor that allows you to change your inventory, character levels, and characters!
This save game editor allows all items to be selectable, all areas of the map accessable, unlimited rupees, and whatever you might need.
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