SPC Play
"You may be asking yourselves, what exactly IS SPCPlay? SPCPlay is a music
player for SNES saved states, coded in 100% 32 bit assembly. It can play music
from either a standard save state generated by ZSNES (.ZS*), or an SPC saved
state (.SPC).
"Many of you have been wondering why the soundtrack can't just be ripped
out of any SNES ROM. For those of you that have tried Butcha's SNES sound
ripping utility, SNESSOR, you will notice that you can only rip sound samples.
Here's why.
"Stored in an SNES ROM are samples, much like the way MOD files store them except they are compressed. These
compressed 16 bit samples can be a violin, a harp, maybe even a moaning voice. The SPC700 is a CPU which executes
a sound program code to play these samples, for how long, what pitch, and so forth and the 65816 is the main CPU of
the snes which is responsible for transferring the program code to the SPC700. Now the problem here is that
there is no reserved place in the game rom for the sound program and detecting where the program code data is
located isn't easy. Many programs also require a double transfer such as the 65816 first transfers the code to
the spc700, then after some spc700 execution, it then transfers some other code or data. So at the moment, the
best way to capture spc700 code is to capture them right when the song starts in the actual snes emulation."
- Author: Nitro
- License: Freeware
- Download:
- Support:
"Try ZDspc out for yourself, it sounds crisp, lots of bass, and you can
customize it perfectly. : ) Its a little CPU hungry... but not that
bad... and I hope to get it better soon."