We at Damaged Cybernetics don't always have the coolest toys to play with.
Thats why we are turning to YOU! Perhaps you can help us find some of
these items in list below. Or if you have something else that you think we
might be interested in, let us know!
Feel free to send any items to the following address:
Damaged Cybernetics
18228 North 18th Drive
Phoenix, AZ, 85023

- Adapters
- Tristar Nintendo 8 Bit Adapter
- Super 8
- Game Genies (Any)
- Any exotic adapters
- Backup Units For These Systems
- Atari 2600
- Lynx
- Neo Geo
- GameGear (not the SmartCard Either!)
- Sega Master System
- Nintendo (8Bit)
- Magic Griffon (TG-16)
- Jaguar
- FFE Nintendo PC ISA Card
- Any exotic Backup Units
- Game Machines
- Famicom Disk System
- Pirated NES machine
- Used Sony Playstations
- Used Saturns
- Technical Reference Manuals
- Multicarts!
- Game Fighter (German? GameBoy Clone!)
- Beta Console Machines
- Vectrex
- Atari 2600
- Coleco
- Fairchild
- Any exotic game machines
- Technical References/Dev Kits
- Nintendo
- Sega Master System
- Jaguar
- Neo Geo
- Fairchild
- GameGear
- GameBoy
- Lynx
- Other Stuff
- Video CD Players
Damaged Cybernetics is not connected or affiliated with any mentioned
company in any way. The opinions of Damaged Cybernetics do not reflect the
views of the various companies mentioned here. Companies and all products
pertaining to that company are trademarks of that company. Please contact
that company for trademark and copyright information.
© 1996 Damaged Cybernetics All Rights Reserved