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Welcome to Damaged Cybernetics! We specialize in gray area information on many different subjects. If you would like to see something on our page or would like make some suggestions or comments, please leave us feedback.

I (MindRape) would like to take a moment and invite everyone to give a big round of applause for all the Damaged Cybernetics members in making the DC Network a happening place on the World Wide Web. You guys just rock =)

It appears that Damaged Cybernetics has some obsessed fans out there on the Internet. We recently got a link from the MTV Home site. We at Damaged Cybernetics are unclear if they put this link up (doubtful) or someone else did (probable). What we do know is that we had no part of this. So don't bother asking us HOW we did it, or WHY we did it, because we DIDN'T DO IT. On the brighter side, if you arrived here by clicking on the link from, welcome! You probably won't find the Video Music Awards here, but you will find lots of tools to rip your favorite tunes that they play mindlessly on MTV a lot.

Be sure to check out What's New at Damaged Cybernetics to see what we have been doing, and also take the time to stop by the Damaged Want Ads. We are turning to you, our guest, to help us find some of these hard to find items! If you have any of these items, or think we might be interested in something, please send us some email!

Audio Piracy Misc. Utilities
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