- International Patching System Document
The International Patching System is a method of distributing
modifications to files in the Console Scene.
- RPG Example
VileWrath releases his source code to his little RPG engine for
others to learn from!
- SNES Document v2.3
This document covers how to program the Super Nintendo hardware. It
contains detail information about memory maps, hardware functions, how
to access the joypad and it includes a demo from the author!
- SNES Kart v1.6
SNES Kart is the most complete guide to a SNES cartridge avaliable on
the Internet. Included are SlowROM, PAL/NTSC/SRAM fix information,
pin layouts, Super Wild Card I/O protocol details, information on how
to decode SNES embeded cartridge information, and much, much more.
- SnesRom v1.5
Document that covers how to extract the rom information area from a
Super Nintendo image.
- Super
Nintendo Cheat Code Convertor Source
Routines written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 that convert Game Genie <->
GoldFinger! There is an executable available for download also.
- Super Nintendo Memory Layout!
Here is a almost complete layout of the Super Nintendo Memory Layout!
- Super
Nintendo ROM Checksum Validation Source
Routines written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 that validate checksums on Super
Nintendo ROM images. There is an executable available for download
- Super WildCard Header
Document that details the popular Super WildCard header format.
- SWC DX2 Copier has serious bugs!
One of the best copier manufacturers, Front Far East, has released
the their lastest Super Nintendo copier called the Super WildCard
DX2. It boasts the ability to hookup IDE hard drives and CDROMs,
however it is not without flaws!
- Uniracers: Hidden Signature Inside Uniracers!
Browsing around in the Uniracers OAM object data we discovered a
hidden signature belonging to a LeComp!
- Uniracers: Nintendo Censorship in Uniracers!
Nintendo feels the need to censor various words in this game. Here
is a compiled list extracted from the binary. There is also a patch
for those who wish to be vulgar.